رسالة ترحيب

شكرا لزيارتك..أتمنى أن تمدنى برأيك عن المدونة سلبيات إيجابيات،الموضوعات المفضلة لديك لنشرها..تساؤلاتك..علي البريد التالى:
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السبت، 9 يوليو 2011

Taste of Iran - BBC Culture Documentary

Taste of Iran 

BBC Culture Documentary



Iranian Expert Sadeq Saba travels around his home country meeting its people and exploring the culinary history and culture of the different regions.

A Taste of Iran is a journey of discovery of a land and its culture through its cuisine. BBC’s Iran expert Sadeq Saba will guide the audience through different regions of Iran as he explores the culinary history and culture of Iranians.
But what differentiates this series from other travel shows and films about Iran is the access of the filmmakers to ordinary Iranians across the country and the filmakers depth of knowledge about Iran and Iranians.
In his sojourns through Iran Sadeq will meet interesting characters who will tell him about all things food related and beyond. He will travel to four regions of Iran and in each region he will find an extraordinary variety of food as well as cultural and historical backgrounds.
The regions are: 1- The capital, Tehran 2- North, provinces of Gilan and Mazandran 3- South and East, including

Part 1   

Part 2

part 3

part 4


part 6

انتظروا المزيد من الحلقات بإذن الله 
في إنتظار ارائكم بخصوص الفيلم السابق

خالص تحياتي
محمد أحمد زين الدين 

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