رسالة ترحيب

شكرا لزيارتك..أتمنى أن تمدنى برأيك عن المدونة سلبيات إيجابيات،الموضوعات المفضلة لديك لنشرها..تساؤلاتك..علي البريد التالى:
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السبت، 7 يوليو 2012

Letters from Iran

Letters from Iran 

While winds of change have been blowing through the Arab world, Iranians have been forced to wait for political reform.
In 2009, in the aftermath of an election that saw Mahmoud Ahmadinejad controversially returned to power as president of the Islamic Republic, millions took to the streets of Tehran to protest against the result. But the demonstrations were brutally repressed and the hopes of the green revolutionaries were dashed.
Since then Iran has closed itself off to international media scrutiny and it has been difficult to determine exactly what happened to the many thousands of dissidents arrested and imprisoned during the protests, or the current scale of political opposition to the regime.
Yet as this film reveals, that opposition is still alive and kicking and just as eager for change as before. Letters from Iran paints a fascinating portrait of the aftermath of the Green Revolution and a country holding its breath.

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