رسالة ترحيب

شكرا لزيارتك..أتمنى أن تمدنى برأيك عن المدونة سلبيات إيجابيات،الموضوعات المفضلة لديك لنشرها..تساؤلاتك..علي البريد التالى:
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الأربعاء، 10 أكتوبر 2012

IRAN Documentary Yesterday and Today

IRAN Documentary Yesterday and Today 
 Rick Steves

This movie is a journey of exploration to Iran and Iranian .people
It's trying to discover Iran and Iranian people and represent them for the world .

The sceneries and cultural richness here are overwhelming. This is the nation the Jewish lobbies want to bomb back into stone age based on lies and propaganda. Despite me disagreeing with Islam overall and wanting it off the West, I wonder, how long are we going to let the Zionists kill these good people in our names and with our money for their own profit?

A good cultural aspect I will rescue from Islamic societies is the modesty and respect in public spaces. Clearly these people enjoy the small joys of life and you can see their society is much healthier than ours by walking on their streets. Sometimes some sacrifices are needed for a healthier society, I.E, people keeping their perversions under control in public spaces (no sexual imagery all over the place like in modern Western societies).

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